Monday, January 17, 2005

Is Iran next for US military?

BBC: Is Iran next for US military?

Predictions- 1) We will star a second war, one in Iran this summer. 2) Bush will end Social Security as we know it by the 2006 mid-term ellections.

Beware of the false doctrines regarding the "end-times." These fanatical views are not Biblical and shouldn't be considered Christian, yet they're influencing our foreign policy!

President Bush had planned to invade Iraq long before 9/11/01

He's now planning to invade Iran.

15 of the 9/11 terrorist were Saudis, there training camps were in Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden is still at large. President Bush is operating under the delusion that he can bring about Jesus' second coming by waging a religious war on all of Islam.

Write your Congressmen and Senators and tell them that you oppose Bush's new militarism!

Bush won with barely 2.9% of the vote, yet he believes that this constitutes a massive mandate and that his re-ellection was a refferendum on his Iraq policy.

Republicans, please ask your party and your legislators to hold him accountable. He is betraying conservative Republican principles. Two of the main pillars of the 1995 Contract on America were term limits and a balanced budget!

Social Security should be put in a "lock-box," so that those funds don't go to pay for Bush's war or his tax cuts for the richest 2%!

Republicans control all 3 branches of government and have for the last 4 years- if the G.O.P. is really so "pro-life," why haven't they reversed Roe v. Wade yet? Because it IS NOT REALLY the party of Christian Values, they abuse wedge issues such as abortion and gay rights in order to mislead voters so that they can execute an agenda that is at best, misguided and at worst diabolical.

Support our troops by opposing war in Iran!

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