Saturday, April 02, 2005

Christian Exodus :: Come Out of Her, My People

Christian Exodus :: Come Out of Her, My People
This is REALLY scary. Appearantly, there's a hyperconservative Christian group that thinks that President Bush, a Republican controlled House and Senate and Reagan, Bush & Bush II apointed Federal Judiciary is too liberal.

They're actually urging true believers to move to South Carolina en mass, so that...

"Rather than spend resources in continued efforts to redirect the entire nation, we will redeem States one at a time. Millions of Christian conservatives are geographically spread out and diluted at the national level. Therefore, we must concentrate our numbers in a geographical region with a sovereign government we can influence through the electoral process."

Eventually their hope would be for South Carolina to once again secede from the Union and thereby once and for all found a "Christian nation" based on the 10 Commandments.


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