Friday, September 01, 2006

God's Politics- Changing the conversation -

Changing the conversation -

God’s Politics turned out to be the book that opened the door to that new and wider conversation. Publishers tell me it has opened up space for a long list of new and upcoming books on the subject. The media now profiles many diverse voices on religion and public life, not just the same old cast of characters on the Right. Political leaders from both sides of the aisle are entering into the important discussion of not just whether faith should influence politics, but how. And, perhaps most important, the faith community (especially a new generation of young people) is speaking and acting on a wider and deeper range of moral issues beyond just abortion and gay marriage - including poverty, the environment, HIV/AIDS, sex trafficking, human rights, and war and peace.

Learn more about God's Poitics and it's author, Rev. Jim Wallis at

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