So I am back at it, on my Quixotic quest to take the perfect Georgia O'Keefe-like photo of flowers with a low-end (as well as old and beat-up) digital camera. I especially like the translucent quality to the petals on the lavender one.
All material posted here that wasn't created by Ted is stuff that he promises to delete as soon as he gets a chance. He just posted it here because, you know how it is, blogs are kind of like office cubical walls or refigerator doors where you hang stuff up that you thought was funny or interesting and you want other people to see it. No harm was meant and not monitary profit was taken- so please cut Ted some slack and don't sue him. He doesn't have any money anyway.
I'd love for some syndicate to pick me up one of these days, but then, so do a gazillion other amateur bloggers. So if you happen to be an editor, publisher, syndicate executive or literary agent and you'd like to hire me or publish some of my work- by all means, PLEASE feel free to contact me. While I'm happy at my job, who wouldn't love to make their living by dooing their hobby?
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