Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Morning/Mourning in America

Clifford K. Berryman Cartoon from the 1930 election.

You know what, I wanted to be a "good winner," I believe in bipartisanship and healing as opposed to division, but I've had about enough of bitter, angry, judgmental right wingers. You know what? If you don't have the huevos to post comments on my blog with your name- if you're such a weasel that you have to make anonymously, then I'm not going to post them. If you don't like reading what I write, then quit reading. Guess what, the people have spoken, and the people chosen hope over fear. Americans want their government to work for them, not just for the richest 2% anymore. If you're scared that that means "socialism" or something that you think isn't "Christian" enough or "American" enough than move to Dubai and don't let the door hit you on your way out. But GET OVER IT.

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