Sunday, July 08, 2007

Charter Oak Achievement Days

Our town holds one of the few town-fairs left in Iowa. Most towns have let them go, so that the smallest you have are usually county fairs, but every July the 4-H and FFA pull out all the stops and show their projects and their animals. Here are a few "Art Shots" that I doubt our local newspaper will use:This is a bank shot off of the hubcap of a 51 Ford in the car and tractor show. If you look carefully, you can see a bunch of guys talking about a 61 Impala... me, taking this picture....and a toy rat that the owner of the Ford keeps on his hood. Creepy.

The losers in the annual duck race fundraiser at the city pool.

Night time at the Arboretum. I've taken so many "butterfly on the flower" pictures this summer, I thought I should give the moths a chance. Nothing like nocturnals.

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