Monday, July 28, 2008

Who are your choices?

Rob Hubler is a passionate progressive with lifetime roots in western Iowa’s vast fifth congressional district. He is a retired Presbyterian minister, a Navy veteran who served on submarines, a teacher of severely disabled children, and has experience working for both Dick Clark and Tom Harkin. He is a candidate that Iowans of any party can be proud to have as their representative—a serious, competent, compassionate public servant with a lifetime of service to his country and his fellow citizens.

Steve King, on the other hand, is an extreme right-winger, who shamelessly defends the dishonesty of the Bush administration and has lined his pockets with special-interest group and lobbyist money. Like Bush and Cheney, and other "chickenhawks," he never served in the military himself.He's pretty well liked and firmly entrenched in Iowa's fifth as a home town boy. He wants to deport the widows and orphans of legal immigrants and is a chief proponent of building an actual wall along the US-Mexican border, of course offering contracts to build it to his son's construction company. King said the events of the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse "amounts to hazing." He's disrupted House Judiciary committee meetings on torture and the politicization of the Justice Department. He's even said that terrorists will dance in the streets if America elects a Black man president.

To find out more about Rob, visit

To find out even more about Steve, visit


Anonymous said...

Hi Ted. Thanks for picking up on my diary. Your take on King is right on. 2LaneIA.

Anonymous said...

Lie after lie in this post. King delivers the truth always. You and your liberal bloggers consistently lie about what King says and does.

Try sticking to the truth for once. Oh wait - that would make it too hard for you wouldn't it. Your lies are a drain on society.

Anonymous said...

And just like I thought. You moderate the comments so only the left wing talking points get published. All of you are the same. Unbelievable.

Ted Mallory said...

For the record, I'm lax, rather than unfair- sorry about it. But since it is my own blog, I do reserve the right to defend myself. Disagreeing with you or your candidate is not the same as lying. I've reported on what I've observed. Certainly, opinion may be subjective, but that's not the same as deliberately fabricating falsehood. King is a public figure, that makes him fair game. He also tends to make a spectacle of himself, that makes him an easy target. I love Western Iowa and want what's best for it. In my personal opinion, he's not it.

I've complain, you decide.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for allowing my post. Most others don't have the guts to allow differing views. I commend you for this.

King never said, "terrorists will dance in the streets if America elects a Black man president." He said terrorists will dance in the streets if Obama is elected because of his stance on the war.

King never said that he wants to deport widows and orphans of legal immigrants. That is a flat out lie and you know it.

Please...I beg you to stick to the truth like King does.