Monday, October 01, 2007

Goldwater/Miller 08

“Better late than never,” we say! Our heroes, our grandfather and father, ran for President and Vice President in 1964, and now we’re making our own fun run for the White House. Why? Well, number one, we want to make a point that today’s Bush administration/Republican party is not something that Barry Goldwater or Bill Miller would recognize. These men stood for something that is sorely missing in today’s political landscape...true honesty. So, let’s be honest, this is clearly just a cheap publicity stunt to promote the DVD release of CC Goldwater’s HBO Film, Mr. Conservative: Goldwater on Goldwater and The Stephanie Miller Show, Stephanie’s syndicated radio show.

We do seek to answer some serious questions. Like, what would Barry Goldwater think of the 2008 Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, a former Goldwater Girl, quoting him about gays in the military? “You don’t have to be straight; you just have to shoot straight”! What would Barry and Bill think of a party that lectures others about family values while getting caught in one hypocritical sex scandal after another? What would Barry and Bill, the smaller government guys, think about a 300 billion dollar deficit? The Iraq war? Warrantless wiretapping? The Terri Schiavo case? And the loss of civil liberties? What would Barry, who was good friends with JFK, or Bill, who had friends on both sides of the aisle, think of the tone of politics today? What would they think of their party being represented by the likes of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh?


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