Friday, August 12, 2005

A Bridge Far Enough?
How would Jesus address the issues of our day?

by Brian McLaren

You’ve heard the old saying: The hard thing about being a bridge is that you get walked on from both ends. As someone who spends roughly half of my time in the conservative world and half in the liberal (theologically and politically speaking), I suppose I qualify as a kind of bridge person. Unfortunately, my experience confirms the old saying, and I have a few boot marks on my backside to prove it.

The fact is, I don’t feel very qualified to write this article. I’m assuming the best person for the job should be well accepted and respected on both sides of the bridge. He or she should feel successful in communicating with both liberals and conservatives, feel comfortable in both red and blue states, be liked by both Hannity and Colmes. Sadly, the more I communicate with one side of the bridge, the more I feel suspect by the other. As a result, I’ve been invited to stay out of a state of one color, and in spite of my above-average imagination, I can’t imagine possibly connecting with Colmes and Geraldo without infuriating Hannity and O’Reilly, or vice versa.

So, if I’m a bridge, I’m a rickety one, a "plan B," I suppose. My basic qualification to write this article is my belief that we as followers of Christ should at least try to talk to everybody we can - and to do so, as the Apostle Peter said, with "gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15). I don’t agree with the tone of the conservative author who offers advice on how to talk to a liberal "if you must," suggesting that it’s an odious task that one must do while pinching her nose. Nor do I agree with any liberal mirror image who sees all conservatives as equally stinky conversation partners. I have been given no exemption card regarding 1 Corinthians 13, and my calling as a Christian requires me, in the words of Paul, to "become all things to all people."

To read the entire article click HERE

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