Thursday, September 28, 2006

A couple of other people's

The Fox interview: Yeah, Clinton lost it, but remember it WAS an ambush- they told him it was going to be about AIDS and world hunger, they used the distortions in the ABC mock-umentory, loosley based on the 9/11 Commission Report to try to blame him for something that really neither he or Bush could've stopped. So, like Whitewater, they couldn't find anything real, so they pressed his buttons to trip him up. It may not be vast, but it's a conspiracy.

October suprise? I know it's more complicated that this- supply/demand, summer driving season is over, Hammas-Israel thing cooled down, US-Iran thing has cooled down, BP's pipelines are back on line... be that as it may, Bu$h, Cheney, Rice all have $erious oil conection$, it is pretty convenient.
Just to fun not to post.

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