Thursday, January 20, 2011

Don't turn back

Rolling back reform would add $230 billion to the deficit, allow 32 million Americans to go without coverage, and put the insurance companies back in charge of who gets care.

Even though their repeal won't make it through the Senate only to be vetoed, Republicans have vowed to try to try to pick apart at healthcare reform with a plethora of small bills and court challenges. 

These are some of the things that they're hoping to do:

-- Undo steps to close the "donut hole" in prescription drug coverage that makes prescriptions unaffordable for millions of seniors;

-- Allow insurance companies to discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions -- as many as half of Americans under 65;

-- Legalize the practice of insurance companies dropping people's coverage when they get sick -- just because they made a mistake on a form; and

-- Prevent young adults under 26 from staying on their parents' insurance.

Yeah, these are pretty much talking points from, so I'm a pretty much being a party shill here, but the thing is 1. I agreed with the mass email they sent me, 2. I'm being honest about it and 3. this is important.

The House leadership is using deceptive language and fear mongering again. This time instead of talking about socialism and "death panels" threatening to kill Grandma, they're calling it the "job-killing healthcare reform bill" and pretending to care about the deficit. Iowa's Steve King compares it to a malignant cancer growing on the Constitution! What a bunch of hubris!

It doesn't seem to matter to the GOP or the Tea Party movement that Bush's massive tax cuts for the richest 2% or the unprovoked war against Iraq both took us from surpluses under Clinton to the massive deficit we have and the gross negligence of Wall Street and the housing markets made more government spending necessary to prevent global financial disaster!

The Healthcare reform passed by the last Congress is almost identical to that written by Republicans back in the 90's yet they've made it central to as much fear, anger and vitriol about government as they can conjure. 

Isn't it time for this nonsense to finally stop?

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