Wednesday, July 27, 2005

A little shop talk

I'm sorry that I don't have the July 27, Aug 4 and Aug 11 columns posted. For whatever reason, I didn't transfer those files from the PRESS computers to home or to school. If/When I get a chance, I will try to scan them in and then upload them.

Meanwhile, I just want you to watch and see what kind of changes I make this fall. I'm going to try to cut the length of my columns by half. That's just good discipline as a writer. Hopefully it will be eaisier and funner for you to read and it will force me to make my points more clearly.

As much as I like the look and feel of this blog, I'm trying to learn as much as I can about web-design and digital graphics- so I'll probably be tweaking the format a little too. If I can figure out how BLOGGER lets users upload things, that is. I notice that they're adding more tools and features, so it shouldn't be too tough.

I still believe in talking about what others don't. The cycle I try to follow is Funny, Faith, Politics- I've heard the most positive feedback about the funny ones, especially when I write about my kids. I love writing those, but I just can't help myself- writing is a way to vent and hopefully a way to provoke readers to think and talk about thing that maybe they hadn't before. So, expect the religion and politics too- but probably not mus sex, sorry.

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