Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ain't nuthin but a hound dog

The Blue Dogs are a coalition of like-minded Democrats whose primary mission is to promote fiscally responsible budget reforms and accountability for taxpayer dollars. Many members hail from conservative-leaning districts, where liberal Democrats and liberal values are a decided minority.

Yellow dog Democrats were voters who would vote for a yellow dog before voting for a Republican.

I always used to think of myself as a Blue Dog- I found Reaganomics irresponsible, let alone detrimental to the socioeconomic fabric that permitted the middle-class American dream to flourish. But this Bush administration has certainly radicalized me. I always used to be a centrist and wanted to think of myself as bipartisan, independent, even "post-partisan" as so many Gen-Xers thought of themselves. But my patience is worn out.

Ah, but NOW, when nearly 70% of Americans want to impeach Bush and Cheney but the Democrats in Congress refuse to do anything about that and fail to end his trumped up war- I'm beginning to get fed up with them. You know what you get when you mix blue and yellow don't you? Green. What holds me back is that Al Gore might be President right now if Ralph NAder had kept his enormous ego out of the 2000 race.


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