“Impeachment should be reserved for treason, bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors where the president's actions are great and dangerous offenses or attempts to subvert the Constitution and the most extensive injustice.”
~George Mason,
(Delegate from Virginia to the U.S. Constitutional Convention. He is called the "Father of the Bill of Rights".)
So let's see... Former President George H.W. Bush (Sr.) , also a former director of the CIA said that leaking the dentity of a CIA agent was TREASON. Yet his son, just commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby who was convicted of purgery for trying to hide the fact that Vice President Cheney blowing Vallery Plame's cover because her husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson exposed that George W. was lying when in his State of the Union Address, he claimed that Iraq trying to get materials for making nukes from Africa. We have evidence that this Bush administration started looking for ways to attack Iraq as soon as they came into office.
What part of that is NOT treasonous? How many more American's have to die in Iraq? How much more "collateral damage?" How much more does our reputation in the world have to be damaged before we bring these traitors to justice? They aren't looking out for American interests or protecting or defending the Constitution.
Congress can't understand why their poll numbers are almost as low as Bush's. Maybe if they would at least stop enabling him and get us out of Iraq, or better yet, get to the bottom of all of this and impeach both he and Cheney, or try Cheney for treason- maybe Americans would think that Congress was doing what we elected them to do!
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