Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mourning in America

So, thanks to Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush (41) and now George W. Bush (43), the people who have to work for a living and can't afford to invest enough and don't inherit enough to have their wealth work for them- are responsible for more of the tax burden, and are earning and retaining less of our earnings. Meanwhile, inflation is creeping up, the economy is a wreck, unemployment is soaring, gasoline and milk are at all time highs, and homes are being foreclosed on. In 1970 25% of Americans were members of Labor Unions, today that's less than 8%. Thanks to Free Trade and irresponsible corporations, all of our manufacturing jobs have been sent overseas and the things we buy from China poison us.

Believe me, you don't want me to show you charts on our National Debt. But I can tell you that we owe most of it to China, and we keep borrowing from them. This war in Iraq? Something in the neighborhood of $8 BILLION a week. Who do we borrow it from? Take a guess.

I have nothing against China (Nixon) but as a middle aged Midwestern guy with blue-collar roots, I have had enough with Republican bullshit. They are not conservative, and they're not patriotic. They care more about their investment portfolios and their stockholders than their citizens or the principles contained in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Their world view has wreaked havoc on the American Dream for the last 27 years. Isn't it time for a change?

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