Saturday, July 18, 2009


I'm not pro-choice. I wish there were no abortions, I don't think it should be just another convenient form of casual birth control. Be that as it may, I don't think it would be wise, healthy or Constitutional to try to prohibit all abortions for all women at all times. This graphic makes clear the biggest reason why. Safe, legal, and rare.

We need to fight poverty, promote education, permit contraception, and heal broken homes and communities. Advocate abstinence, but also responsible conception prevention. And if we're going to protect the rights of the unborn, we need to protect the rights of the born too. Unjustified war and illicit torture clearly don't do that. Gross discrepancies in income don't either.

Seriously, I really want to be considered "pro-life," I think that every infant is precious. But rape, incest, and life threatening medical conditions for both mothers and infants are things that I can't write off as easily as some people.

I also think that abortion is not the only issue out there. I can't tell you hpw many times I've spoken out about a variety of issues and had zealous Pro-Lifers attack me and suggest that my argument's were illegitimate because I don't speak up as vehemently against abortion as they do. Eventually enough of that kind of thing tends to push you toward the other side.

Call me a coward, call me a fence sitter, tell me you can't have it both ways, but I still say it's complicated. God forgive me, God help me, God help us all. Someday I'd like it to be possible to hear a civil discussion about this issue.

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