Monday, November 15, 2004

Annual LYF Rake&Run

Pictured are back row; Vacancy Pastor Ed Brandt, Seniors LYF Vice President Grant Kuhlman and LYF TreasurerLee Kuhlman and Sophomore Jeke Goslar. Middle row, Seniors LYF President Lacy Neddermeyer, and LYF Secretary Molly Goslar and Sophomore Jason Kuhlman. In Front; Landscaper Jamie Neddermeyer or Audubon and Melvin Neddermeyer.

LYF Rake & Run
Sunday, November 14th members of St John Lutheran Youth Fellowship met at Melvin and June Neddemeyer's farm to participate in the LYF's annual "Rake-n-Run." Every year high school students from the congregation help cleam up leaves for elderly members of the community.

The day began with lunch and a Bible study based on 1Thesalonians 5:18, "Give thanks in all circumstances." Student considered that serving others is one way of giving thanks, giving thanks by giving back. God doesn't just tell us to be give thanks when we're happy, but under ALL circumstances.

Students then raked the lawns of nine houses, starting on the Southeast side of Charter Oak and working their way to the Northwest. LYF President Lacy Neddermeyer's dad and her brother Jamie helped the crew. Jamie owns his own landscaling business in Audubon. His mower, blower and expertise really sped up the process.

The kids were also joined by Vacancy Pastor Ed Brandt, who brought tarps and fresh experiencing from helping with his home congregation St. Paul, Ute's LYF rake-n-run the week before.

Kids shared the work but also shared plenty of fun, jumping into piles of leaves and determining which brand of rake was most effecient. At the end of the day, homeowners were thankful that their yards were cleaned up and the crew was thankful it was all over so that they could go home and recover.

This Sunday, Novemeber 21st, St. John LYF will host their other annual Fall project, a Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Everyone is invited. The LYF will begin serving at 11 AM in the basement of St John Lutheran Church in Charter Oak. A free-will offering will be collected with matching funds from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Turkey, potatoes, vegetables, deserts and Edna Johansen's famous dressing.

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