Friday, January 05, 2007

Other people's cartoons

The Dems need to rise above playing by the same rules that these guys were playing by the last 6 years.
I SO want to be bipartisan, but it seems like this is the way it usually goes down; Republicans simply don't let Democrats participate when they're in charge. Democrats try to let Republicans participate, but then Republicans take advantage of the inclusion to try to sabotage the job. Maybe Ross Perot and his Wal-Mart Independents had the right idea back in the late 80's- it's just time for a third way.

Don't get me wrong, he was a monster to his own people and certainly deserved what he got, but let's face it, there was a certain amount of hypocracy going on here. We claim to be civilized and morally superior and more advanced/evolve/enlightend/progressive- but how many of us have been watching his death on YouTube? And, lest we forget- we KNEW he had WMDs because we still had the receipts! The reason we didn't find any is that he'd already used them all on his own people. And did I mention that he'd been on our CIA payroll since George H.W. (#41) was their Director? By the way, anyone know where Osama is?

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