Monday, June 18, 2007

The last REAL Republican

SInce Chuck Hagel has never decided to run, Ron Paul is the only other Republican that I could imagine voting for.
Check out his Wikipedia entry:
As a progressive I still believe that government is a tool for positive change, as opposed to an obstacle to the free market and gun nuts. But this guy, Paul sounds about as close to Goldwater (skeptical and principled) of any GOP candidate out there. Check him out, see what you think. I don't know if Republicans are so lock-step that they'd consider him their version of Dennis Kucinich or not, but I tell you- my red half (the native Arizonan who lives in a tiny town in hard working, rural Western Iowa) really finds him appealing. Of course my blue half (the working class, pro-union, anti-war, pissed off at the fascists who are in control currently. impeach IMPEACH! AAAAUUUUCG!)
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"The gospel is meant to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." ~Garrison Keillor

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