Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Seymour Hersh & Alan Greenspan speak, the world trembles

NYSE drops over 500 points.

Seymour Hersh blows the lid off another White House scam. Bush is using
US dollars to fund Sunni terrorists that are sympathetic to al Qaeda. All this at Saudi Arabia’s behest and in the name of fighting Iranian influence in the Middle East…gee, how about just talking to Iran instead of arming people who want to kill us?

Afghanistan is working so well that at least two Americans were killed in an attack on Cheney in Kabul…the closet thing to a “green zone” in Afghanistan. The Taliban actually knew where Cheney would be.

VIDEO: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, Gen. Peter Pace, warns that military is so worn out that we very likely couldn’t handle anything else. In plain English, IT’S BROKEN!

In the middle of another show-and-tell for the media designed to prove that Iran was equipping Iraqi militias, some other findings clouded the issue

The boxes appeared to contain shipments of tubes directly from factories in the Middle East, none of them in Iran. One box said in English that the tubes inside had been made in the United Arab Emirates and another said, in Arabic, “plastic made in Haditha,” a restive Sunni town on the Euphrates River in Iraq.

Hurdle one has been cleared for the REAL mission accomplished – getting Iraqi oil profits into the pockets of US oil companies. Yeah, that won’t cause additional generations of resentment, right?

POLL: The majority of Americans want a deadline for pulling out of Iraq.

Congressional hearings on Walter Reed begin Friday.

Meanwhile, Alan Greenspan warns that a recession is coming.

And gas prices are climbing again…too bad we can’t have elections every six months.

These stories and much more were on Air America Radio today

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